Meet Demetri Bithanos from the Dragon Queen Series

From the comfort of my underground chambers, I feel daybreak slowly stretch across the region. I can only envision the sight and reminisce about what it’s like to watch the sun rise. Now, I’m ever so eager to see it fall, for that is when my day begins and yours end.

Fatigue weighs heavily on me as Lady Sun kisses the sky. The ingrained downfall of my nature makes me sluggish. Don’t think of this as a complaint. I’ve come to terms with the disadvantage of my extended curse…and gift.

Slumber calls to me, but I gave my word to a young author, one whom I had the pleasure of tasting last night.

Ahh, dear sweet, delicious, Yvonne…

I still see the astonishment on her face when I sailed through her window as a shadow on the wind. Imagine that. A creature she thought was a figment of her brilliant imagination actually exists. Correction, have existed, many, many centuries on this God forsaken planet.

Still, the tangy sweetness of her blood lingers on my tongue, reminding me of why I’m resisting the natural urge to sleep.

She willingly met her end of the bargain, and now I shall meet mine.

My name is Demetri Bithanos. Some know me by that name, but most know me as Death. Born in this world as a human Andausian and turned demon vampire, I am the slayer of this realm. Demon blood stains my blade and evil mortals whet my appetite. Death is a part of me and is my sole purpose here on earth.

This will not be a story of my past or a revelation of how I became an immortal nightwalker. It’s pointless to discuss this with you all when you are nothing more than a means to satisfy my dark desire. You don’t need to know me. You just need to fear me.

You see, I know your darkest secrets. I know the wicked thoughts and desires that caress the walls of your mind. The sheer fibers of your sins compel me to come to you and claim what you have taken for granted. Your precious life.

Forget what you think you know of my kind. I don’t fear crosses or garlic, and I don’t need an invitation to enter your domain.

I come and take as I please.

Does that arouse you? Your heartbeat quickens with my words. Your blood runs hot with fear. Ah, yes. You know I will come for you. Tonight, tomorrow perhaps? I should enlighten you, but I will not.

Continue to wonder. Continue to dream.

When you close your eyes, you’ll see me as the whisper of a shadow, taunting you, ravishing your mind. Then when you open your eyes, I’ll be there, watching you, wanting you.

It is futile to resist. Don’t run. I will catch you. Don’t hide. I will find you. Don’t scream, I will… On second thought, I would like it very much if you’d scream for me. Struggle if you’d like. It makes the draw of your blood that much sweeter.

I don’t want to hear about your regrets or the things left undone during your sad, misbegotten life. It doesn’t concern me. Beg for your life if you must, but know it will do you no good. The moment I became aware of you, your life was over, mine to claim.

Don’t bother to repent to me. I am not your priest. In this still moment in time, I am simply your lover in death.

You know this now when you look into my eyes and your life flashes before them. Surrender to me. There is nothing you can do, nothing you can say to change my intent. You belong to me now.

You’ll be pleased to know that my methods of taking life are not always so brutal and monstrous as you may think. How I ravage your body and soul is entirely up to you. Tell me, how do you want to die? Caught up in utter bliss?

I can be gentle if you’d like. Would you want me to touch you there? Would you want me to bite you here? Lick your gushing wound? Fill your aching core? Would you…?

Do my questions confuse you? Do my actions confound your mind? I sense that it does, for I smell the arousal of your body stirring all around me. It dances and weaves with the distressing emotion you feel right now.

Are you shivering? Let me hold you.

Do not fret, this will not end quickly. I am a slow and explorative lover. I’ll be sure to tantalize your every fantasy and taste every inch of your flesh before you take your final shuddering breath, my sweet lover in death.

Whisper my name as I lap at the quivering veins on your inner thighs. The vessels throb and bulge beneath my tongue, begging to be pierced. I indulge. Do you feel my fangs slide into your flesh? The strings of my dark rapture scatter throughout your entire body? Isn’t it insanely blissful? Do you want more?

Don’t hold back. Let it go.

As waves of ecstasy storms through you, your heartbeat slows. Between soft butterfly kisses, I leave a stamp of my passion up the center of your body. Yes… Can you feel me, beautiful one? Can you feel your life slipping away?

I lock my lips over your jugular and slide between your inviting thighs. I drank deeply, slowly, ravenously, taking in the very essence of you.

Your flesh grows cold. Your breathing is shallow then finally your heart stops.

A beautiful death for you. Wouldn’t you be so fortunate to die in my embrace.

Find out more about the deadly Demetri in The Dragon Queen Series.


3 thoughts on “Meet Demetri Bithanos from the Dragon Queen Series

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  1. wow what can i say i have just finished your book badbad bad it has been such a long time that i have read such a well put together story eroctic sexy i dont no what to say just briliant well worth every peny cant wait for part too wicked from start to finsh thank you keep up the good work becouse i will most definatly buy and read your work you rock sincerly
    leahcar dzansi.

  2. I just read the book and I can hardly wait for the next one!! i am absolutely in love with the series already ..First Story set the standard and the rest of the stories will have a lot to look up too!!

    Demetri and Rayne were hawt, funny and Fierce..what a duo!! I am craving more of their story!!

    You have another Best Seller on your hands!!!

  3. Ok, so I want to know if he is only so generous and sensual when he taste the life of a man or if he saves his best for women only? I may have to invite Mr. Demetri to guest star in one of my FFF Blog post, I’m sure he’d love to meet HER.

    I already have this book on my Kindle and I’m savoring every word. Perhaps when I finish it, I’ll have the answer to my question.

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